Friday, June 17, 2011

Wine Pairings and Football Movies- An Addition!

Well, I’d like to write more on my Italy trip, and will do so at some point, but I realized something last night that I don’t want to risk forgetting…

When making my list to pair wines with football movies, I forgot about Jerry Maguire!  Come on guys, I know some of you at least read that post, how could everyone forget about Jerry Maguire?  I need to get my readers more involved (hint, hint…)

Anyway, I was watching Jerry Maguire last night, and I had a glass of wine during the movie, only to discover that it paired pretty darn well.

Vons grocery stores is doing their 30% off wines sale at the moment, so I decided to take the opportunity to stock up on some everyday wine and buy a few nicer bottles that I wouldn’t normally buy.  One of those bottles was a 2005 Heitz Cellar Cabernet Sauvignon.  I’d always heard good things about Heitz, so I decided this was as good an opportunity to try it as any.  The wine itself was phenomenal.  It was amazingly bold yet still soft and easy to drink.  I tasted raspberry, strawberry, and blueberry on the fruity side, but also anise, pepper, and smoky flavors all at the same time.  It was a bit overwhelming at first, but when paired with a steak, it was great.  Too bad it’s too darn expensive for me to drink often.

After dinner, my roommates and I watched Jerry Maguire, and as I was sipping my wine, I tried to think about which wine I had paired this movie with.  I couldn’t remember so I looked it up.  I was shocked when I realized that I forgot about Jerry Maguire.  I’m ashamed that I forgot it!  Anyway, now, my list is fixed- my movie-wine pairing for Jerry Maguire is Heitz Cellar Cabernet.  The strong and powerful wine goes well with the great movie that’s depth matches that of the wine.

Now readers, once again, if any of y’all can think of any movies that I’ve forgotten, or if you’d like me to try to pair a wine with one of your favorites, let me know.

PS… I reserve the right to decline requests- for example, I will not pair a wine with a movie that I’d never be able to sit through- think “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants”

1 comment:

  1. I think you would actually really enjoy Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants... As with wines, don't knock it til you try it.
