Friday, June 24, 2011

Contest Guidelines

Alright, so it seems like enough people are interested in this little contest that we will actually be able to make it happen.  After actually thinking it through a bit, here is how I see everything playing out.

Each person writing a post will have to submit them to me by July5.  Beginning July 6, I will begin posting the entries, one per day until I have posted them all.  Once posted, each post will have 1 week to prove its popularity with readers before I take the tallies on page hits, comments, followers, etc.  Example: I’ll tally the week July 6-13 for the post put online on July 6, for the post put online on July 7, that period will be July 7-14, etc.  Once your entry has been posted, you turn from writer into marketer.  Most of you have blogs, twitters, facebook, etc. so you mission will then be getting your friends to check out your post to make it the most viewed.  After each post has had their week, I’ll add up the “scores” and have a coronation for the winner.  The winner will then be able to write another victory post should they choose.  And, of course will be the recipient of a bottle of wine.

The topic is wine.  You guys have seen this site.  I write about wine in many different ways, so I really don’t have any parameters for y’all.

I think I finally covered everything.  If I missed anything, let me know and I’ll amend the post to include it.

Happy writing!

*Note, you can include pitctures.


  1. Do the pictures have to be SFW? Because if so, I'm out!

  2. You can send me anything you like. If it's too far out there, I just won't post it.
