Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Contest Time!

After the guest post yesterday, I had an idea.  I should get more of my friends and readers to write some guest posts because I thought it would be fun to hear their different opinions on wine.  I also thought this might be a way to get more people reading my blog!  If I can get five of my friends (my loyal followers for example) to each write a post, and they each get 5 of their friends to read their post, then maybe, just maybe my blog will become noteworthy and wineries will start sending me samples to review (which I will then share with my followers).  I see this actually happening in my mind, so might as well try it out.
So, here is what I’m thinking.  I am going to try to get 5-10 different people to write guest posts for me, and then I’ll post them, one per day for as long as it takes to get them all posted.  Then, using blogger’s handy stats tools, I can see which post gets the most page views over the next week and pick a winner.  I’m thinking that writers will get extra points for comments and for people that start following the blog because of their post.  And, the best part of this little contest?  I’m going to give the winning writer a bottle of wine as a prize!  I’m not sure what it’ll be at the moment, but I can promise that it’ll be something good.  Go ahead and begin thinking about what you want to write and how you are going to market your post so that you can take home the prize.  I don’t really have a timeline for this little contest, but I’d like to start posting the entries in two weeks or so, so you guys have some time to think about it.  Post a comment if you're interested in entering and I'll get you details about how to send me the post, etc.
Happy writing!

PS… you have to be over 21 to be eligible to win the prize.  Figured I should add this in to keep things legal.

PSS… I already got my first entry- my roommate wrote his last night in anticipation of this contest.


  1. I'm in. Do you have a particular subject? Or just wine? I am well versed in wine and other things. :)

  2. I am in too. More deets please.

  3. Your posts will have to be (at least partly) about wine. No real limitations on subject apart from that. Send me an email or FB message with your post when you are done, and I'll let you know when it'll be online.

  4. Am I ineligible since I already guest posted?

  5. Nope, you're still eligible. And, since you already have practice, you could be considered the favorite to win?

  6. This is going to be epic! I hope I win!

  7. Nando, you are in the negative points at the moment because you don't follow me. You should fix that. The girl/guy ratio among my followers should be enough to get you to join.
