Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Guest Post!

Beach City Girl’s comment is getting quite a bit of attention this week.  As a follow-up to my last post, she was kind enough to write the following post as the first “guest post” on my site!  Continuing the apparent theme for the week, this post is also about movies and wine, and while she doesn’t continue on the Traveling Pants track, she does provide a just in time for summer wine and movie pairing.  Hope you enjoy this.  And, please take note, I actually respond to my reader’s comments and am even willing to publish their posts (that was a subtle call for more guest posts…).  So without further ado, here is Beach City Girl’s guest post:

So I have to admit: Daniel called my bluff. I do NOT actually recommend that anyone over the age of 12 watch Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, because you will most likely be bored out of your mind, and just plain confused about why these girls are mailing a pair of unwashed jeans around the world. Similarly, I do not have a wine pairing that I would suggest for that film, because if you’re watching it, you are probably at the age where you are drinking a Dr. Pepper and contemplating dropping a Mentos in it.

Now, having said that, I do have a movie and wine pairing suggestion that might surprise you, but in a different way: 2009 Sea Ridge Chardonnay and the movie (500) Days of Summer. Now you’re probably thinking “blah, chardonnay” and “blah, indie chick-flick”, but recall my previous admonition: Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.

The Sea Ridge Chardonnay is a creamy California wine with that smells like citrus, and tastes and feels like butterscotch. It’s got a crisp notes of pear and lemon wrapped in a smooth, contrasting finish. Like many California wines that I’ve tried, it has a heavy fruity emphasis, but it’s more of a bright citrus-y taste than a sweet overpowering apple.

In the same way, (500) Days of Summer was not what initially expected. Its sweet and clever, but not a love story or a romantic comedy, and that’s expressed very clearly. With it’s wit, killer soundtrack, and quirky cast, this movie leaves you wanting just one more sip.

An interesting note about the stars in the movie: Joseph Gordon Levitt went from Angels in the Outfield child-star to being in Inception. That kind of transformation and versatility in an actor is amazing. Ditto with Zoe Deschanel. She's a singer songwriter (from the band She and Him) and has been in movies with Jim Carrey and Sarah Jessica Parker. She keeps you guessing. By the end of the movie you love to hate her character, but you still love her.

Last note about the wine; it’s got its own secret surprises, chiefly the fact that you can get it at Vons for less than $3.00 a bottle. Literally, a steal. I’ve served this at dinner parties, and used it in sauces (and I don’t cook with wine I wouldn’t drink), and always gotten rave reviews.

So next time you want to try something that might be a little out of the realm of what you might normally drink (or watch), whip a little pear and brie crostini, open a bottle of Sea Ridge Chardonnay, and turn on (500) Days of Summer. I can almost promise it will leave you wanting more.

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