Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bang for the Buck (or 2)

As an everyday partner with meals, is there a better brand of wine that delivers “bang for your buck” than Charles Shaw?  I’ve tried other stores’ brands that try to compete with Chuck, but across the board, I think that you’re hard pressed to find something that competes with Trader Joe’s Chuck.
I especially like their Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Pinot Grigio, and I would go so far as to say that they are consistently as good as wines that are 4-5 times their price.  True, I do like some of Barefoot’s wines, and there are some great wines to be found for under $10 (especially at Trader Joe’s), but when you think about it, would you rather have 3 bottles of Chuck or 1 bottle of Gallo?
With so much wine out there to try, I don’t like getting lost in a single brand too often, but I always like to have some Chuck on hand when I entertain (as was the case this weekend) as their variety of varietals will pair with pretty much anything I’d be inclined to cook for a larger group, and barring special occasions, I don’t want to drop $40+ on wine alone, so it’s a good option.
Also, Chuck mixes to make a great Sangria- check it out sometime.  That’s enough doting on Chuck for today.  Next time I open up a good bottle, I’ll appease my wannabe wine snob and write a bit about it.

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