Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why All Guys Should Like Wine.

I just had a roommate move into my apartment, and when I offered him some wine the other day, he declined saying he “doesn’t like wine.”  I responded by saying: “you’ll learn.”
That got me thinking about how/why people (men in particular) could not like wine.  True, it does taste pretty awful until you gain a taste for it and an appreciation for it, but so does beer.  True, Sauvignon Blanc can taste like minerals and have vegetal tastes/smells, and red wines can taste of earth, leather, and tobacco, all of which don’t sound appealing at all, but not liking wine on the whole?  I can’t understand it or justify it with any kind of argument.  So I’ll do the opposite.  I’m going to make the argument that all men should like wine.
Reason 1, women like wine.  In America, something like 75% of wine is purchased by women and 60% of wine is consumed by women.  So, since most men my age have the goal of getting with a woman, it would benefit a guy to develop a liking for wine to improve his chances with the majority of females that drink wine.
Reason 2, it is much more likely that women judge men for drinking whiskey or beer than it is for them to judge men for drinking wine.  Think about it, drink too much whiskey and you’re an alcoholic, drink too much beer, and you get a “beer belly.”  Drink too much wine?  You’re cultured.  Ok, so this paragraph was a bit harsh on females and quick to jump to conclusions, but you get the picture.  Wine doesn’t carry the negative vibes that other forms of alcohol do.
Reason 3, wine is the ultimate guy drink.  Why?  Because most people don’t know a whole lot about wine so it lets guys boost their egos by talking knowledgably about wine.  And, since wine is so complex and every taste is different to every person, guys can bs their way through it if they sound confident and opinionated.
Reason 4, more so than other beverages, wine can be a status symbol.  If you have a date you want to impress, break out a good bottle of wine.  If you want to impress the in-laws, bring a nice bottle of wine to dinner.  Need a gift for a client or a boss, buy them wine.  Quite apart from drinking wine for pleasure, it is one of the most useful drinks out there to make impressions on people.
I’ll have to update this list as more ideas come to mind, and will probably refine the reasons that I have already stated, but all in all, there is no downside to liking wine.  It can help you out in so many different ways throughout the course of your life.  So, roommate, keep drinking and you’ll learn to appreciate wine.

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