Monday, November 12, 2012

Season of Wine

So while my next post will get back to my travels and how place has positively influenced my memories of certain locations and how those locations have helped me form my opinions of the wine I’ve had, but I wanted to look a little bit at my wine drinking cycles first (that and I don’t have anything exciting to drink at the moment). 

Living in California is nice.  We get beautiful weather 330+ days per year.  Our summers aren’t too hot and the winters are like most people’s falls/springs.  That’s why it costs so much to live here.  But, even with our mild conditions, I’ve seen a pattern in my wine consumption over the past several years.  I rarely drink wine when it’s warm outside.  Part of this stems from the fact that I like big, powerful wines, and a heavy cabernet sauvignon really doesn’t sound all that good when it’s 80+ degrees outside.  If I liked white wine and could stomach it on more than just an occasional basis, I think that my wine drinking might be more balanced from season to season.  But, as it stands now, fall and winter are my go-to wine drinking seasons.  So, now that we are getting into these optimal seasons, I’m excited that I finally began to post on this blog again.  I hope that the season and my renewed interest in writing on my favorite topics will push me into a posting mood that might push me through the dry summer months where wine rarely on my mind. 

I think that at least 90% of my posts are on red wine, and while the percentage of red wine vs. white that I consume is likely greater than 90%, I hope that my curiosity on the topic as a whole will provide me with enough to write about consistently for quite some time.

For instance, my curiosity of wine extends further than just drinking wine, I am fascinated by the laws that govern wine across the world, the science that goes into the process of making wine, and how people turn wine into careers.  One of my good friends just became a CSW (certified specialist of wine).  I knew the sommelier certification existed, but I might have to look into becoming a CSW myself.  Wine is something that is both a pleasure and a lesson.  Each time you drink a wine, you are drinking history, drinking politics, local culture, and so much more.  Recently (and I’ll have to post about this soon), I went to a tasting with the Wine Economist (he’s a blogger and author far more famous than I am), but not only did we get a tasting, we got some interesting insight into the economics behind wine.  But that’s for another post.

For now, I’m just content that we are back in prime wine drinking season.  So, for all of those people out there like me, we can finally open those big red wines that have been staring at us all summer.  Salute!

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