Monday, July 18, 2011

Contest Winner!

There was some stiff competition among the 3 entrants in my guest post contest, but FAUribe and his car-blog buddies emerged victorious.  I kinda thought that ERA or REW and their well-read blogs might pull it out but I was dead wrong.
FAUribe, I’ll get you your prize next time I see you.  You might want to thank your car buddies for all their help.  Also, as promised, you are welcome to write another post anytime you want. 
I think that I’m going to have to do something like this again, I had a good time reading what others had to say, and I hope that you guys did too.  That being said, I’m glad to be done with this contest so I can get back to writing posts that no one reads.
One last congratulation to FAUribe!  You wrote a great post arguing that Merlot isn’t a loser (something I don’t think I’d have ever done).  I hope you enjoy your prize.


  1. So if Fernando wins a Merlot, perhaps REW could pull in second prize, that Brunello.
