Friday, May 27, 2011

Off to Italy!

A quick heads up to my readers: I’ll be taking next week off because I’ll be in Italy!  While I’m technically going because of work, there will be quite a bit of fun mixed into the trip as well.  I’m sure that I’ll come back with several stories involving food and wine that I will be able to turn into posts, so instead of me saying that I’m taking the week off from blogging, let’s just say that I’m out “researching” future topics for this blog.
To leave you guys with a quick tidbit about wine to hold you over while I’m gone.  Try a wine made by either Larry or Helen Turley.  This brother-sister wine maker combo produces some of the best wines in California.  Their wineries are definite must visits if you are ever in the Sonoma or Paso Robles areas.  I recently had one of their young vine Zinfandels and it was delicious.  It made my mouth water with its tartness and explosive fruitiness.  I wish I had several more bottles of it, but sadly I only bought one on my last trip up there.
I hope everyone has a great week!  I’ll post from Italy if I can, but if not, stay tuned for a trip recap to be posted in a few weeks!

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